Arti Kamu

Bait-bait rindu
yang kupendam

Impuls konstan
yang kuingkari

Rangkaian kata indah
yang kularang

Perwujudan dari gambaran
yang tak terdefinisikan

Kebahagiaan hati
yang tersembunyi

yang kuimpikan

yang kutunggu



Anonymous said…
Well actually, I've been able to guess the person you are referring in that poem.
swestika said…
O yeah?? Whether i didn't give any clue; You can guess it, can't u?? i just said: Everybody's allowed to be GR... hihihi
Anonymous said…
oh maan...
Is it a typical of cute girl?
Of which she likes to have enjoyment in seeing others feeling GR...

swestika said…
Waah..i just expressed my feelin' through a poem :((
Everybody is free to interpret my poem..;)
Anonymous said…
Heh? Siapa tuh 'Kau' ? Ngomong Tik..ngomong..

Dipendem doang sih... kasian dia, kasian juga elo. Ntar kalau si 'Kau' itu kecantol sama yang laen, elo sendiri yang nyesel lho ;).

*berusaha berbahasa Indonesia, walaupun kacau balau*
swestika said…
"Kau" yang gw maksud bakal tau tanpa gw ngomong..
dawud abd said…
yg pasti bkn gw kan..? ;-p
swestika said…
Bukan si gue emang.. huehe.. tau aja Eh, dan bukan si dia yg skrg ya.. i hadn't seen him, i hadn't met him, i hadn't known him when i wrote the poem.. eh.. ampe sekarang juga.. he's just black shadow... *curhat*
Anonymous said…
Hehe..elo selalu begitu Tik, seringkali ngga mau mengakui :P. Ya sudah..semoga lancar barokah semuanya :)
Anonymous said…
Wow, this was last year's post. Can't really remember why and how the cogs of time moved away so fast..

Well, there is no way that shadow will be colorful. It is and will always be black.

But shadow is merely an upshot when something is blocking the light. There is no point in chasing shadow. Just change your direction a little, seek what lies behind that "something", and confidently grab the light.

By the way, it is mystery that make a woman woman. Care less of what other person said.

Cheers ^_^
swestika said…
@ Defa: I wasn't careless about what he said.. I was speechless.. :p

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